Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Doctor's Update

Friday after work, Dan and I drove up to Woodland park to get the results from some lab work we had done last month and for me to get an all around wellness check.

We decided when we got married if we were not pregnant by 8 months, that we would begin the process of getting my hormones checked, due to my past issues with hormones and health. We are in a phase of life where we are not specifically trying to get pregnant, but we are not doing anything to stop it either. Due to my medical history we wanted to make sure we begin this process early so that when we are to the point where we definitely want to start trying, we are set up to.

So, wellness check wise, the Pneumonia wiped me out again, so I am back on a very restrictive diet to bounce back. My vitamin D is barely adequate now (which is better than crazy low), but I am still taking 10,000 IU's a day. I am also trying out a new probiotic mix, back on an enzyme protein powder, and taking extra enzymes. Other then that, my health is pretty normal for someone with Adrenal Fatigue. He said next time I start getting sick, to start taking my cortisol again, as it can be used to prevent the fatigue from kicking you while you are down and taking advantage of your immune system.

On to hormones:
 Each month, when a girl ovulates her basel (waking) body temperature will drop, then spike high the next day. Her temperature should then stay elevated until her period when it drops again. Also, during that time, after ovulation her progesterone rises and stays elevated until the end of her cycle when it drops and her period starts. A great resource on all of this is "Taking Charge of your Fertility." Seriously, I love that book. Here is a picture that shows all the changes that happen in hormones and temps, because there is way more going on than what I described.

So, my estrodial and estrogen were within normal range, or at least did not bring up any concern. My progesterone on the other hand was on the very low end of "normal." That, coupled with the fact that after my temperature low day, my temps do not spike high or remain high it seems I am either not ovulating or having some progesterone issues. In fact, my temperature charts look sort of like a 5 year old's drawing of a mountain range. There is no definite sign yet that we will have issues getting pregnant, but there are signs that point that direction. He also talked about Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and irregular periods- he explained that I could be conceiving and have early miscarriages- as there are definite signs this may be happening, or my PCOS could just be really out of whack right now. His suggestion was that we start doing all the research we need to do so that when we start proactively trying, we know who to go see, and what to start doing. He also said I could start progesterone cream from a whole foods store on day 14 of the month and stop on the last day of my cycle. If this is unsuccessful, then I could start taking a higher dose of progesterone during those days, but the concern of carrying a full pregnancy is still there. He also wants me on the elimination diet to regulate my hormones. Apparently a sugar free, gluten free, low carb, dairy, soy, and egg free diet can help your hormones regulate themselves, and many couples conceive after starting an elimination diet.

So, my diet is not low gluten, there will be no binge days, and I am going to be really strict. I am now free of dairy, gluten, soy, oranges, eggs, processed sugars and sweeteners, all meat outside of fish and chicken, caffeine, and chocolate free. I am also low carb, potato, and tomato. We are not going to try the progesterone just yet, but we will be looking for a fertility doctor for the near future.

On the positive note, I got a new cookbook! More cooking recipes to follow!!!

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