I have been incredibly unmotivated to update my blog mainly because I am not sure a single day has gone by that I have followed my new diet perfectly. Ugh. There are just too many wonderful things to eat in the world. Thanksgiving was especially hard...
So. The update. I am normally really good about food for every meal, but I seem to break and splurge once a day. Since I go most of the day eating well, I have noticed which splurges hurt the worst. I think I have identified gluten as a HUUUUUGE no-no. I have been getting not just an upset stomach but actual sharp pains in my abdomen after eating gluten. Too much dairy makes me nauseous, and chocolate makes me tired. I really cannot handle more than one cup of caffeinated beverage a day, and probably should not even do that, but at the same time I get headaches in the afternoon if I dont have some sort of sugar or caffeine.
I am still not feeling well. I get daily headaches and just feel tired and worn down... so, with 3 weeks until christmas, here are the things I am going to try to do to fix how I am feeling.
1. Keep working at finding a balance in my elimination diet
2. Journal what I eat every day and write down how I felt during the day
3. Yoga 2 times a week (gotta start somewhere... my body has not seen an ounce of exercise since last year!)
4. Keep working on rest and relaxation techniques.... and not bringing work home... which is getting harder the farther we get into the school year.
The one thing I have done really well is not working outside of work and RESTING! As a teacher it is hard to drop all the grading and planning and just leave school at the end of the day, but I am doing to keep trying!! I feel like my whole life I have had my priorities all mixed up. I over worked at school and work in order to find my worth in my job and yet in the long run my job is just a job (even though I love it) but sacrificing relationships, family, and healthy living in order to have every assignment perfectly graded and every lesson plan written out is not worth it. I sacrificed so much living because I was being an overworking zombie. Lesson of the day: dont be a workaholic zombie. Family deserves more than just your burnt out leftovers.
and with that, I am off to bed! Thanksgiving break was WAY too short if you ask me!
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